About me!

Hello! I'm glad you're exploring my website. Let's talk about how I got into photography and video making.

I enjoy playing video games in my free time, and when I was around 13, I started making YouTube videos of my gameplay. Growing up in Washington, my brother and I would ride dirt bikes until sundown, and we decided to start recording our rides with a GoPro. Incorporating photography and videography into my life has always been a passion.

During my junior year of high school, I began taking it more seriously. I would bring my camera to the basketball tournaments I played in and take photos between games. I also reached out to my family and friends, offering to take photos for them. Through my dedication, I was able to save up and buy a camera and a better lens, which I'm very proud of.

Since April 2023, I have been working to grow my brand and help other athletes bring their visions to life.

I've always believed that success comes from the combination of hard work, dedication, and a love for what you do.

(Stephen Curry)

A little more about me


I’m Ambrina

I was born in Arizona and moved to Washington before I can remember. It was there that I developed a deep love for the great outdoors and discovered my passion for sports first with soccer then softball and now basketball.


Why I am pursing Sports photography

I've heard my teammates say it, parents who loved their sport in their youth too, a lot of people believe some emotions cannot be captured. That if you've never played that sport, you'll never know the feeling of hitting a game winning three to lead your team into the championship. I disagree, others should be able to feel what us athletes get addicted to, and my goal is to capture that.


Relationship with nature

Nature captivates me in ways words cannot express. From riding dirt bikes since the age of 6 to embarking on exhilarating hikes and embracing the serene beauty of snow-covered landscapes, I find solace, joy, and endless adventure in nature's embrace.


Interesting Fact

Not only am I a photographer, but I am also a proud big sister. I take pride in being a big sister, after losing my older brother in October of 2022 I remember all the things he did for me that I can carry on for my little brother. Despite the 10-year age gap between us, my little brother and I always manage to have a wonderful time together. I take pleasure in sharing my passions and teaching him the things I love, and lately, he has developed a newfound passion for soccer!